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Guide - Page 6

Loldle champion day 8th May 2023, what is the solution ?
Ugh, I lost another blade. I wonder who it's in this time. Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 5th May 2023, what is the solution ?
Lightning in a gun coming through. Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 4th May 2023, what is the solution ?
What'd you say 'bout my momma? Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 3rd May 2023, what is the solution ?
Well, just 'cause you're a hallucination and I don't speak lizard don't mean I can't understand you! Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 2nd May 2023, what is the solution ?
You think I'm crazy? You should see my sister! Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 1st May 2023, what is the solution ?
I will be the best. Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 28th April 2023, what is the solution ?
Purge with silver. Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 27th April 2023, what is the solution ?
Only a fool plays the hand he's dealt. Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 26th April 2023, what is the solution ?
A broken blade is more than enough for the likes of you! Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 25th April 2023, what is the solution ?
There are no wolves like me! Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 24th April 2023, what is the solution ?
I cannot stop. The forest needs me. Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 21th April 2023, what is the solution ?
Yes, they make shurikens this small! Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 20th April 2023, what is the solution ?
I am the rock! Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 19th April 2023, what is the solution ?
Who let the dogs out? Woof. Woof. Woof. Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 18th April 2023, what is the solution ?
Some say the world will end in fire. Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 17th April 2023, what is the solution ?
A creature great, a mountain guard. A terrible monster, its own past scarred... Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 14th April 2023, what is the solution ?
Defy Noxus and taste your own blood. Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 13th April 2023, what is the solution ?
Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like banana. Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 12th April 2023, what is the solution ?
The trolls are going to war! Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?
Loldle champion day 11th April 2023, what is the solution ?
Position for ambush. Quote Loldle champion, what is the answer ?