Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter, how many are there?
Final Fantasy 7 Remake was released on April 10, 2020, more than 13 years after the original. It takes the story of Final Fantasy VII, with some changes.
This Remake was so successful that we are now waiting for a second remake called Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and scheduled for 2023 ! However, many of you are still on the first Remake and you are wondering how many chapters there are in this one ? Here is the answer !
How many chapters are there in Final Fantasy 7 Remake ?
Wondering how many chapters there are in Final Fantasy 7 Remake ? Well here is the answer, the game has a total of 18 chapters. All these chapters differ in length. Some, like the first reactor bombing mission at the very beginning of the game, last about an hour. Others can last much, much longer - especially chapters that include side quests, such as finding all the chocobos or finding all of Don Corneo's secret hiding places. Some chapters allow you to breathe and explore, while others are very story-driven, with lots of cinematics and boss fights. Be aware that Final Fantasy 7 Remake's endgame chapter selection allows you to replay any chapter in the game. The hard mode makes the chapters even longer by giving you more difficult battles. This can be fun for some players !
Check out our other Final Fantasy articles and find out the release date of the highly anticipated Final Fantasy 16 !