Minecraft : Release date and content of the next update

The next Minecraft update is coming soon ! Breakflip gives you the release date and the content of the patch. Let's go !
Minecraft : Release date and content of the next update

Minecraft is a game where your imagination is your only limit ! After an official release in 2011, Mojang's game is rolling out regular updates to add more content to one of the most played games in the world.

So when will the 1.20 update be released and what does it contain? Here's everything you need to know about this upcoming patch for Minecraft !

Release date and content of the next Minecraft patch !

The 1.20 update was announced in October last year by Mojang, the Minecraft development studio. For the moment no official release date is known for this update. However, we already know that it will be released by spring 2023.

This update will contain two new creatures that fans are looking forward to : 

  • The Sniffer, an ancient creature whose eggs are believed to be found in the vaults of underwater ruins. To hatch a Sniffer egg you will need to bring the egg underwater to the surface and then wait for it to emerge from its nest. Here is all the information Breakflip has about it for the moment.
  • Camels ! A mountable creature like the horses in the game, players will be able to use a "Dash" feature. Camels breed on cacti in the desert. You can get them in this biome as long as you have a saddle.

Bamboo wood will also be introduced in this update. It will have the same use as all the other types of wood in the game. But this wood will be special! You will be able to build a raft that will house two players and a chest. 


In addition to this wood, players will now be able to build hanging signs. These special signs can be made from wood and chains. They will also change colour depending on the wood used to build them. 



Of course, we haven't forgotten the news that has surprised all players. A total of 7 new characters are joining the Minercaft adventure ! In order: Sunny, Kai, Makena, Steve, Alex, Zuri, Efe, Ari and Noor.


Here are the characters you will be able to play in Minecraft starting with the 1.20 update.

The full announcement is available on the official Minecraft YouTube channel.