Playstation VR 2 : release date and price

The arrival of PlayStation's new virtual reality headset, the PSVR 2, should not be long in coming. We already know the release date and the price !
Playstation VR 2 : release date and price

Announced some time ago as the revival of virtual reality, the PlayStation VR 2 is due to hit the market in 2023. Sony sees its product as the ultimate VR headset and is expected to drive virtual reality for the next few years. 

Technology like this comes at a cost, especially when you consider the PS5 shortage. So when exactly will the PSVR 2 be released and at what price ?

New Playstation VR 2 release date and price

So when will the Playstation VR 2 be released? Well, we know the exact date. The PSVR2 will be on the market from February 22nd 2023. But at what price?

Already on pre-order, the headset with the two controllers are currently priced at £529.99 on the PlayStation website. That's a lot of money. Obviously, a PlayStation 5 is required to use the headset.

Although it's a hefty price tag, the headset is already considered the best on the market, 4K HDR visuals, 110º field of view and ultra-sharp graphics, you only need to connect one cable to the PS5 to use the headset.

As a reminder: there is also the Leonardo project which also seems to be a big success on the part of Sony