Dragon Rune Lance pickaxe deactivated, why is it no longer available?

An item that is part of Fortnite's Battlepass has just been deactivated : the Dragon Rune Lance Pickaxe ! But for what reason and for how long?
Dragon Rune Lance pickaxe deactivated, why is it no longer available?

In the new season of Fortnite, there is a new Battlepass to discover, with new items and cosmetics to acquire! Unfortunately, it happens that some items in the game have bugs and issues that prevent players from playing the game properly or give other players an unfair advantage.

This was most recently the case with the Dragon Rune Lance Pickaxe, a pickaxe that is part of the Battlepass. It gave players who wore it an advantage that should not be underestimated and was therefore temporarily deactivated by Epic Games ! It will return to the game as soon as the problem is fixed.

What happens to the Dragon Rune Lance Pickaxe ?

If you log into Fortnite these days, you will probably see the following message at the bottom right of the home page: "Due to an issue, we have temporarily disabled this: Dragon Rune Lance Pickaxe". Indeed, this pickaxe, which is part of Battlepass, is temporarily disabled for all players ! But for what reason?

Epic Games was forced to disable the Dragon Rune Lance Pickaxe due to a bug. When worn by a player, it obscured the player's steps. It also made it impossible to see the player appear on the mini-map, making him much more inconspicuous than his opponents.

 It is not yet known when the Dragon Rune Lance will be re-integrated into Fortnite, but most bugs in the game will be fixed relatively quickly. Players can expect a fix within the next 24 hours or a few days, if not sooner