Fortnite we hit a roadblock, what is this error message ?

"We hit a roadblock, Failed to build manifest for Host". Is Fortnite down ? What is this error message and how can I correct it ?
Fortnite we hit a roadblock, what is this error message ?

Like all other games, Fortnite faces maintenance, issues and errors. Epic Games does everything possible to fix these issues as soon as possible. 

But sometimes, some errors can be fixed. This Friday, August 26, an error prevents players from logging in with this "We hit a roadblock, Failed to build manifest for Host" message. So can this problem be fixed ? How do we know if it works again ? Here is the answer ! 

"We hit a roadblock, Failed to build manifest for Host" error message in Fortnite ! 

How can I correct this error? Unfortunately, we have to wait. But don't panic ! As stated in this tweet, Epic Games is working on this error and it should be fixed soon. An update tweet will be published when it is fixed.

However, just in case, make sure that your Internet connection is working properly. The best way to do this is to test other online games and see if they work properly or not. Also make sure your Fortnite game is up to date. Install the latest updates for the game, otherwise the game will not be able to connect to the servers, as it will have an inadequate version.