The first skins for Fortnite Battle Pass Season 4 have been leaked !

The next season of Fortnite is almost here, with a maintenance scheduled for this Sunday, September 18, 2022 ! Many new features will be available once the maintenance is over, such as the new game map and new weapons.
As always, many players will want to discover the content of an essential element of the game : the battle pass ! This changes with each new season, with new skins and cosmetics to unlock at each level. It seems that the first skins of the Season 4 pass have already been leaked, we know some of them !
The first Fortnite season 4 skins leaks !
Like every season, a new Battlepass will be coming in season 4 of chapter 3. For the moment, the official skins are not known, but some leakers have published on Twitter skins that would be part of the upcoming battle pass! This information should be taken with a pinch of salt, however, as it is not official information. Here are the few leaked skins for the moment :
Leaked skins of the next BattlePass in Fortnite Season 4 (source: @SentinelCentral)
No surprise with the Spider-Gwen skin in Fortnite, which has already been leaked for a while, and was officially teased by Epic Games within the week !
Is all a Disaster... the zero point is trying to connect! #fortnite teaser trailer Paradise
— Jubizo_Leaker (@Jubizo13) September 14, 2022
While waiting for new information on season 4 which arrives on Sunday, you can find images and teaser videos of this next season on Twitter !