Land 3 times Fortnite, Quests Week 11 Season 3 Chapter 3

This Thursday, August 18, 2022, a Week 11 Season 3 Chapter 3 Fortnite challenge asks you to land 3 times in a single match. Here's how to do it !
Land 3 times Fortnite, Quests Week 11 Season 3 Chapter 3

This August Fortnite is treating its players with a collaboration with Dragon Ball Z : skins, a creative map, challenges ... Players are delighted.

But this Thursday, August 18 is also the challenges of week 11 that arrived. The complete list of challenges is available ! By the way, one of the challenges requires you to land 3 times in a single match. Here is our guide to complete this challenge. 

Quest : Land 3 times in Fortnite

To complete this challenge, all you need to do is land three times in the game as indicated. There are several ways to complete it, namely :

  • Simply landing after getting off the bus
  • Use a rift to launch yourself into the air, then land
  • Launch yourself with a nimbus cloud (Kintoun) and end up on the ground
  • Pass through a geyser to launch yourself into the air

The Nimbus Cloud allows you to launch yourself into the air, then land from a distance (source: Fortnite)

This challenge is fairly easy. No matter how you do it, you simply need to launch yourself three times into the air and then land to complete this week 11 challenge. Finally, we remind you that Dragon Ball challenges are added every day. Have fun !