Pop No Sweat Summer inflatable objects in Fortnite Quest

The summer challenges are here ! "Pop No Sweat Summer inflatable objects" ? Here's how to complete this No Sweat Summer event Fortnite !
Pop No Sweat Summer inflatable objects in Fortnite Quest

A brand new update has just been released on Fortnite, allowing the deployment of the 20.30 patch of the game ! As always, there are new things to discover and new quests to complete. New summer quests called No Sweat Summer are added to the title every day for a limited time.

One of the summer challenges requires you to "Pop No Sweat Summer inflatable objects". But where are these inflatables ? We'll tell you where they are and how to pop them below !

Quest Fortnite : Pop No Sweat Summer inflatable objects

To complete this challenge, you will first need to visit the beaches to the east of the Sanctuary as you can see on the map below.

beaches to the east of the Sanctuary (source : Fortnite)

Once there, you will have to look for three inflatable object panels and to find them more easily, you can activate the "Follow the quest" button or consult the images below which show you where to find three of them.

An inflatable object in Fortnite

An inflatable object in Fortnite

An inflatable object in Fortnite

To pop them, you can use a weapon or to save time, simply use your pickaxe. As soon as you have popped these three inflatables, you will have completed the quest "Pop No Sweat Summer inflatable objects" and earned your rewards.

And don't forget that in addition to the summer challenges, the weekly quests are also there ! The list of week 8 challenges is available