Use the Grapple Glove to catch a Zipline while airborne in Fortnite, Quests Week 6 Season 3 Chapter 3

Use the Grapple Glove to catch a Zipline while airborne in Fortnite ? Here is how to complete this quest of week 6 Season 3 Chapter 3 !
Use the Grapple Glove to catch a Zipline while airborne in Fortnite, Quests Week 6 Season 3 Chapter 3

Every week in Fortnite, new quests are available for all players ! Some of them come out on Tuesday, and the others are available on Thursday from 3pm. You can earn XP by completing these challenges so go for it !

This week we're looking forward to the new weekly quests for week 6 on Thursday 14 July ! By the way, among these quests, Fortnite ask you : "Use the Grapple Glove to catch a Zipline while airborne". So here's how to complete this challenge in this article ! 

Use the Grapple Glove to catch a Zipline while airborne in Fortnite Week 6 Quests

To use a Grapple Gloves in Fortnite, you'll need to find one first! These items can be found in the toolboxes located at the pink stops at different locations on the island. If you don't know where to find them exactly, you can use the map below to help you:

emplacement-gant-cramponneurGrapple Gloves in Fortnite (copyright : Fortnite gg)

Once you have one of these gloves, you will have to find zipline ! These can also be found in various places on the game's map, a little more numerous than the studded gloves. You can use the map below to find the exact location of the ziplines in this season of Fortnite :

fortnite-tyroliennes-emplacements-mapZipline Location in Fortnite (copyright : Fortnite gg)

Approach one of these ziplines and then use your Grapple Glove ! You can then catch the zipline in flight, and complete your challenge. It shouldn't be too difficult to complete if you use the locations shown on the maps above. Once this is done, you can move on to the rest of this week's quests.

Don't forget that Season 3 will last for some time, so you have plenty of time to complete the quests. For those who complete them quickly, new quests are added every week.