Cross Play PUBG, can we play cross-platform on PC, Xbox and PlayStation?

After being released on PC a few years ago, PUBG has been made available on Xbox, PlayStation and Stadia. But can you play cross-platform?
Cross Play PUBG, can we play cross-platform on PC, Xbox and PlayStation?

After being released on PC and Xbox in 2017, PUBG then expanded to Sony by landing on Playstation 4. As a result, one of the first major Battle Royale games has seen many players arrive on the game since its release, raising the question of cross play.

So can Xbox, Playstation and Stadia players cross play PUBG ? Let's find out together !

Can we play cross-platform on PUBG ?

“By enabling Cross-Platform Play, all console players can play in the same team or against each other in the same matchmaking pools, including custom matches. You will not be playing with or against PC players when Cross-Platform Play is enabled.” (source) 

As the developers say on the game's official website, only Xbox One, Playstation 4 and Stadia players can play cross play on PUBG. Thanks to this new feature, PUBG players can invite players from other platforms into a group and even add them as friends. However, this option is unfortunately not available to PC players

To activate cross play, simply :

  • go to the settings menu of PUBG           
  • go to the Gameplay section                       
  • and activate (or deactivate of course) the cross platform option

Once in game an icon identifies the platform on which a player is playing. A colour next to a controller icon identifies the platform in question with green for Xbox, blue for PlayStation and pink for Stadia.

As a reminder, PUBG has been free to play since 12 January 2022. However, a paid option allows access to certain features.